Cesar Brod's blog


Foi só depois que caí que pensei: talvez eu tenha voado muito cedo. Mas antes de voar, claro, eu não havia pensado nisso.

Engajamento comunitário: aprendizagem para o futuro

Tradução do texto publicado originalmente no blog do Linux Professional Institute.

Once upon a time... And they all lived happily ever after!


Only Linus is looking to the right camera!

Love is my Country. I am proud of my Brazil!

I have never been so proud of my Country and its youth as I am now. I am a firm believer this very youth – that some people dare to call unprepared and alienated – will lead Brazil into a bright future.

A Global Decision Making System

One of the clear outcomes of UNDP's CoP2013 (ICTs, Governance and Conflict) is that humans are the real changers and ICTs can work as a facilitator and enabler.

There is enough technology to make a better world. Is there enough will?

After leaving Istanbul I took a flight to Dublin. The Sun had just set and yet it came up again as the plane flew West. There I was, in a heavier than the air, man made machine seeing the Sun coming up by the beginning of the night.

A bitcoin for your toughts

While I pack my stuff in order to start my journey to Istanbul today, where I will be participating in the CoP2013 meeting (ICTs, Governance and Conflict), I am also downloading a good amount of collateral material and things I have written in the past, in order to better prepare myself for the event.

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